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We suggest your child wears comfortable clothes that they can easily remove themselves. Once your child has a place at preschool we charge a £25 registration fee, included in this fee are a bookbag and two T-shirts with the Little Acorns logo, additional tshirts can be purchased at a cost of £6.00 each.

We would ask you to PLEASE label all clothing and provide a bag of spares for their peg. Please note that all clothing should be weather appropriate and shoes must be suitable for running and playing. Please feel free to provide plimsolls for indoor play.

Fees and Funding 

Our fees for children from age two until the term after they are three are as follows... (subject to annual review, last reviewed May 2021)

5 hour session = £23 (available Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:15- 2:15)
3 hour session = £14 (morning sessions daily and afternoon sessions  Monday, Wednesday & Thursday)
2 hour session = £9.20 (available Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 12:15-2:15)
Lunch club = 12.15-1 £4.00
Extra afternoon = £6:10 (available Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 1 till 2:15 

(subject to annual increase) and are payable in advance.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘BWENA’, and we can also accept BACS payments.

The term after a child reaches their 3rd Birthday, they are entitled to funding of up to 15 hours each week, which means they could have 5 free Morning Sessions or 3 free Morning + 2 Afternoon Sessions ), or 4 free Morning sessions + 4 free lunch club or 3 full days! You may also pay for extra hours/sessions, the following fees apply for 3 year olds

5 hour session = £22.50 (available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:15- 2:15)

3 hour session = £13.50 (morning sessions) 
2 hour session = £9.00 (available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12:15-2:15)
Lunch club = 12.15-1 £4.00
Extra afternoon = £5.50 (available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 1 till 2:15)

We are currently able to offer 23.75 hours in the week and this can be claimed for using the 30 hour funding if you are entitled. 

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